Sunday, July 29, 2012

#2 Chula Exchange: Counting Down To The Last Few Days

Suddenly, everything felt so surreal. I only have a mere few days left in Singapore that I can count, even with one foot. Though kinda excited at what awaits me when I reach over there, but somehow, not seeing the ones I love for about 5 months or so, makes me sad :(

Furthermore, I have never been away from home for so long before. And this is gonna be my virgin 1st time, not seeing friends/family for so long. Guess I will have to get used to it; get used to missing people etc.

Well, thankfully, there is the Internet available in my residence that I will be staying in. It will be my lifeline to keeping in touch with those I missed. Oh man, seriously, what would one do if there's no Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Mail, Whatsapp, Line, Viber... :'(

Okay, I will be staying at Nonsi Residence! :) Pictures below!
Images taken from Nonsi Residence website,

Looks not bad! Got swimming pool and gym! Hahaha, don't know whether I will use them anot haha!

Whenever I'm leaving on a plane for overseas, I'll think of this song - Leaving on a Jetplane.
Nice song! Got to know of this song from the movie, Armageddon. Super awesome movie too! 

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go



  1. dun worry u will get use to it :)) take care over there! :))

